Now She's Just Showing Off
June 4, 2009
The PT exercises worked. Airica could type, text, and individually hold up each finger, yes she did abuse that test as she held the middle ones up a little too long and laughed. She was typing, texting and using the mouse. She was so glad to be able to finally use her gifts.
She was a little tired today it seemed the chemo was getting to her a little bit. The doctors kept saying that she was responding very well, we agreed, but it was still hard on her little body. You can see in the picture below the nurse with the purple gloves preparing one of her chemo drugs.
She decided today was going to be a computer and movie day. She picked some movies that she would like for us all to watch. As the nurse finished up the final drug for now, Airica said, "Mommy, these nurses do everything to make me feel good and comfortable. I hope they know when the put those medicines in my IV it makes me feel bad and yucky." I knew they did, and even Airica knew why they did. She was strong and brave, but she was up against some serious stuff.
As the mellow day came to an end, we got ready for bed. I talked to Airica about tomorrow. Tomorrow was her sister's last day of school and a half day. I told Alyssa that I would pick her up from school. Then I would take her home to pack, she would be leaving Saturday with her dad to Colorado. He would take care of her for the summer so that Christopher and I could focus on Airica. Airica and I were both heavy hearted about this, we would miss sissy. But it was the best thing for all of us. We held each other, we cried together, then she pulled my arm around her and we went to sleep.
xo xo xo