Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is it hard to be Vegan?
I get this question from so many people when they find out I am vegan.  That and where do you get your protein...hee hee.  Let me start with something I said to my cousin today who is on a very wonderful path of eating healthy and exercising.  Anything is only as hard or as easy as your mind tricks you into believing.  Yes, I know you can feel the yogi in me coming through.  I really believe its true.  Why can we convince ourselves that getting dressed, putting shoes on, putting on a coat, hat, and gloves, getting into the car, driving to a fast food place, waiting in line, placing your order, waiting some more, driving home, getting settled, and eating your take out at 10pm is easy?

It is our mind giving in to our craving and addiction to those foods that "taste" good but aren't good for you.  So before we can even begin to eat healthy we have to train our minds, even trick them, into being satisfied with healthy foods.  
Luckily there are TONS of recipes that make healthy foods into comfort foods!  There are lots of vegans who eat mostly raw foods and lots of salads and that is great if that is what works for them.  For me, I need something warm and yummy that will fill my tummy :) and satisfy my mind of the craving.

Another question that people ask me often is how I survive without milk, meat, and especially cheese.  My answer is we are living in 2012 with so many alternatives to all of those things that taste AMAZING! Along with so many fabulous recipes that fill any void and please every taste bud.  For example, tonight's dinner:  Pizzas on a whole wheat tortilla, lots of veggies, vegan pepperoni, and cashew cheese I made myself.  I am even amazed about the cheese thing.  I made cheese today...never thought I'd say that ever.  

I would have to say, like I did before, "easy" is an excuse your mind makes to help you give into your habits.  Like anything in life things get better and easier with practice.  If your goal is to practice eating healthier or exercising, the same applies.  
One more thing to remember is that we are all human, no one is perfect, and "life" easily throws us off track.  The important thing is to recognize when this happens and get ourselves back on track, whatever that may be.

1 comment:

  1. As the person who gets to eat all this yummy food that you make, I have to say being Vegan is EASY!!!! Especially with a fantastic Vegan chef living with me! Thank you for the yummy pizza dinner my love!
