Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Rockstars Get Surgery AWAKE!
April 24, 2009

Big, huge smile--->>>

     Yes, it is true!  Airica had a biopsy while she was awake.  The tumor was so close to her esophagus that the doctors were worried that intubation would cause more harm than good.  So they talked to her about it and agreed to take on this adventure AWAKE!  
     She was so brave and strong.  I was the one freaked out about it.  She thought it would be SO cool.  She thought the scar or "the battle wound" was going to be cool too!
     The whole time during the procedure she chatted with the surgeon and of course he fell in love with her adorable little...I mean ginormous personality.  
      He named her officially "His best patient EVER!" He also added that was including the adults patients.  
      She was a ROCKSTAR!!!
      When the surgery was finished and the silly drugs wore off in recovery, we headed back to her room.  Upon arriving her room was filled with balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, (the fake ones that are allowed in the hospital) and all kinds of cards and get well messages.  
      As you can see from her huge smile she LOVED every last bit of it.  She deserved it.  She was so amazing doing what she did. 
     As each day came and new challenges came up I kept being amazed by the strength and courage that exuded from this beautiful child of mine.  Where did she get this?  Where did it come from?  I was in awe of it.  I don't think the magnitude of strength and courage that she had was learned, it was in her and was being shared only to be learned from.

      The journal entries here make me laugh every time that I read them.  Her, chores, shaving, Santa, fussing with her sister, the boy...Jorge...who pretended to hug her and snuck her a kiss on the cheek and made her tummy fell funny!  My baby growing up too fast. (WAY TOO FAST)
      Me, enforcing rules, making chore lists, refereeing the sister squabbles, explaining WHY we don't shave our legs dry, loving, being patient, teaching patience, and trying to let my baby grow into a young lady.  (even though it was so hard)
      That is a lot of things for two people to be doing all at once.  But it was just enough for us.  The journey of being a mother is and has been  ever since Airica was in my belly, my most favorite part of this life.

Sometimes love is for a moment.

Sometimes love is for a lifetime.

Sometimes a moment is a lifetime.


  1. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing this deeply personal, deeply difficult part of your life- I think it is obvious where your beautiful daughter, indeed, both your beautiful daughters received their strength from... Sending you and your family tons and tons of love!
