Sunday, May 27, 2012

Are We Ready?
May 27, 2009

Today the breathing machine was lighting up, beeping, and just plain acting weird.  The nurses rush in and page the RT.  We are a little worried.  Airica is just lying there sleeping soundly.  What the heck is going on?  Is this going to be a downhill day for us?  Please no!  Not after all this progress, she needs to keep getting better not worse.

The RT comes in to examine her and make sure the machine is working properly.  They determined that Airica is breathing so well on her own she is actually fighting the machine.  So, the machine will release oxygen and she should inhale, then exhale.  She can now control her breath, so she can feel the moment she should inhale and won't (not can't, won't) then the machine alerts go off.

This was so crazy to hear.  She was definetely ready to be done with the machine.  When she woke up we talked to her about her breathing.  We explained that she should just breath with the machine and that it would be taken off soon.  She explained she wanted it off now, and she was okay with pulling it out herself.  Also, that she would control her inhales not that machine.  She also thought it was very funny that she could make the machine beep.  I did not think it was funny.

The doctors agreed that tomorrow would be the day that her breathing tube would be removed.  We were all so happy.  The doctors, nurses, and RT's were so happy too, and wanted to make sure they were there tomorrow to see it.  I was very happy, and this time if felt right.  But I still couldn't help but be a little nervous.  Ready or not, it was a plan. 

Airica was so excited.  She couldn't wait.  All day long she was pretending to pull the tube out herself.  She thought she was very funny.  I freaked out a little each time.  She also thought that was very funny.  I am glad that she was being so entertained by my worry.  One more night baby girl and you will be free of one more machine.

(This is the last journal page)

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