Crazy Airica
May 21, 2009
Today Airica is already doing better. The adjustments that the doctors made were working like a charm. She was waking up more and being a little bit crazy. She was on some pretty serious medicines, so being a little loopy was not out of the ordinary, but Airica was crazy!
She was slinking down in her bed so much we were having to continually lift her back up. I mean lift her up readjust her, untangle her feet that were wrapped around that bed bar like two monkey tails! She was slinking down so that her face would be closer to her hands so she could tug at her breathing tube which she wanted off so badly.
Airica's craziness is not anything new. This child has given me so many crazy stories in her beautiful little life. Like the time that she ran out of lunch money at school because everyone was so hungry for breakfast so she let them use her account. Or the time that she found a family of rat babies that were abandoned by their mother and hid them out in the YMCA locker room so she could be their mother so they would survive. Remember the YouTube craziness? She had her teacher so wrapped around her little finger she went to school early just to play on her Macbook and be silly with her best friend Aleena.
Speaking of Aleena, here is the craziest story of all. Airica started 7th grade at a new school, in a new state so she didn't know anyone at first. She met Aleena in one of her classes and would hang out with her at lunch. Airica swore to Aleena that she was a vampire. Airica was a HUGE Twilight fan. As she read the books she would come out of her room crying about whatever mess Bella was in. Christopher had to go on book release days to get the newest books and fight crazed fans to get her the next book in the saga. So, this is why she wanted to be a vampire and told Aleena she was one. This went on for a few days.
I'm sure that Aleena wanted to believe her, I mean, how cool would that be? My new friend is a vampire. Well, Aleena kept telling her that she didn't believe her and that if she was a vampire for real, that she would have to prove it! Then, Airica bit Aleena. Yes, really. She bit her, not too hard, she didn't break her skin, barely left a mark, but yes, BIT HER!
She came home and nonchalantly tells me the story, then adds that she had to do it to prove it. I was freaking out! My 13 year old bit someone at school! I told her she was NOT a vampire and that was such a bad choice. She said that she is pretty sure that Aleena now believed that she was a vampire. "Airica Moore! You are NOT a vampire!"
I worked in childcare for so long that I knew the terrible, horrible reactions that parents had when their child got bit...when it WAS an age appropriate issue. I seriously didn't know what to do. I was freaking out. Should I call her mother? Should I wait and leave it alone? Should I call the school? OMG!?! As I thought this I asked Airica if she had her phone number in case I decided to call her mom. She told me that she did and then explained they were now best friends and they had talked about Aleena coming over then next day after school for dinner. She added that Aleena's mom would drop her off and meet me when she came. Um...ok...I guess? Wow!
Aleena's mom came to drop her off the next day. She was so sweet as I apologized for my child biting hers. She then proceeded to tell me that Aleena was about the same level of crazy. They were a perfect match of crazy. I was relieved but still made it VERY clear to Airica she cannot bite anyone else, they would just have to believe she was a vampire with faith alone!
So, this crazy child here in the hospital, is my perfectly crazy girl who thinks she a vampire (yes still). Tracy, Aleena's mom and I got into some crazy ourselves together. So, I guess they came by it honestly. I love crazy! I love Airica, and I will take her crazy any day over boring normal.
I remember when me and Airica were in PE and she told me she was a vampire. I was like "are not!" and she said she was. she yelled "watch!" and she bit me. It was hilarious, but she had some super sharp teeth! Love you Airica xoxo.