Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Wonderful Day
May 6, 2009

(A wonderful day at the beach in, as Airica called it, Sandy Eggo)

Today, in the hospital was a wonderful day.  Airica was being so alert and responsive they had to increase her medication to keep her her still.  One thing that she kept doing was tucking her feet under the foot of her bed.  It had a couple of ladder like bars at the bottom and we kept finding her feet tucked under the bar.  At first we thought she was slipping down in her bed and they were ending up there.  Until on this day in the afternoon, when we untucked her feet from the bar and she tucked them right back!

What a wonderful day!  It is kind of funny that on this day I declare "wonderful day".  I would say the same about the picture above "wonderful day".  We all have our own idea what a wonderful day "should" or "would" be like.  In the picture above it was a chilly day at the beach.  Not ideal for swimming, somewhat overcast, and there was no one at the beach.  Some people may have called this a gloomy day, or a dreary day, but it was a day I spent with my two favorite people on the beach.  To me, a wonderful day.  

This day in the hospital, some may say it is horrible, feeling sorry for us, seeing your child on life support how can you think of wonderful?  I think that in any situation it is how you chose to see things.  Yes, I know it is horrible!  I lived it.  However, if we look for the wonder, and beauty in every moment we are blessed with instead of the bad or negative wouldn't we all feel better about everything?  

We all are faced with different circumstances in our lives.  Some of them good, and some of them bad.  It is how we react to and handle these situations that really matters.  If you were living your last day wouldn't you rather know that you had spent a day overlooking some trivial things and focusing on what's really important, love and wonderful little things?

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